четверг, 16 января 2014 г.

Как читать логи из Android приложения

Класс читающий логи

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.text.ParseException;
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

import android.util.Log;

public class USSD {

private static String startmsg="displayMMIComplete"; //start msg to look for 
private static String endmsg="MMI code has finished running"; //stop msg 
private static String trimmsg="- using text from MMI message: '"; //a msg to remove from the text

private long before=3000; //delay (ms) before creation of the class before a msg (USDD) is valid (use timestamp)
private long after=3000; //delay (ms) after creation of the class that a msg (USDD) is valid (wait after ms) 

private String msg=""; //the USSD message
private boolean found=false;
private long t=-1; //timestamp of the found log

public USSD()

//USSD in log : example 
public USSD(long before_creation,long after_creation)
long timestamp=System.currentTimeMillis(); //creation of the class --> look for the USSD msg in the logs
Log.d("USSDClass", "Class creation - timestamp: "+String.valueOf(timestamp));
try { 
//sample code taken from alogcat ...
Process logcatProc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("logcat -v time -b main PhoneUtils:D"); //get PhoneUtils debug log with time information
BufferedReader mReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(logcatProc.getInputStream()), 1024);
String line="";
boolean tostop=false;
long stop=timestamp+after; //to stop the while after "after" ms 
while (((line = mReader.readLine()) != null)&&(System.currentTimeMillis()<stop)&&(tostop==false)) {
if (line.length()>19) //the line should be at least with a length of a timestamp (19) !
if (line.contains(startmsg)) //check if it is a USSD msg
//log example : "12-10 20:36:39.321 D/PhoneUtils( 178): displayMMIComplete: state=COMPLETE"
t=extracttimestamp(line); //extract the timestamp of thie msg
Log.d("USSDClass", "Found line at timestamp : "+String.valueOf(t));
if (t>=timestamp-before) found=true; //start of an USDD is found & is recent !
else if (found) {
//log example : "12-10 20:36:39.321 D/PhoneUtils( 178): displayMMIComplete: state=COMPLETE"
if (line.contains(endmsg)) tostop=true;
else {
//log example : "12-10 20:36:39.321 D/PhoneUtils( 178): - using text from MMI message: 'Your USSD message with one or several lines"
Log.d("USSDClass", "Line content : "+line);
String] v=line.split("\\): "); //doesn't need log information --> split with "): " separator
if (v.length>1) msg+=v[1].replace(trimmsg, "").trim()+"\n";

} catch (IOException e) {
Log.d("USSDClass", "Exception:"+e.toString());

public boolean IsFound()
return found;

public String getMsg()
return msg;

//extract timestamp from a log line with format "MM-dd HH:mm:ss.ms Level/App:msg" Example : 12-10 20:36:39.321
//Note : known bug : happy new year check will not work !!!
private long extracttimestamp(String line)
long timestamp=-1; //default value if no timestamp is found
String] v=line.split(" ");
if (v.length>1) //check if there is space
Calendar C=Calendar.getInstance();
int y=C.get(Calendar.YEAR);
String txt=v[0]+"-"+y+" "+v[1]; //transform in format "MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss" 
SimpleDateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy HH:mm:ss");
try {
Date tmp=formatter.parse(txt);
String] ms=v[1].split("."); //get ms
if (ms.length>1) timestamp+=Integer.getInteger(ms[1]);

} catch (ParseException e)
Log.d("USSDClass", "USDD.extractimestamp exception:"+e.toString());
return timestamp;



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